It is absolutely absurd to me that NFL defenses have gotten so disrespected that we've gone as far as to say an overtime scenario where all they have to do is get a stop for a chance at winning the game is the equivalent of a guaranteed win for the offense.
If you don't want the other team to win, then stop them from scoring a touchdown . . . It sounds simple because it is simple. That is half of the game, is it not?? You remember, right? I mean, you just spent 60 minutes doing that exact same thing. It's what defensive players and coordinators get paid for, so do your job and make a stop.
When did defenses stop mattering in football? This idea that your offense must now get a chance to answer the touchdown your defense could not prevent in overtime is wild, considering that goes against everything the game is about. If football really is the ultimate team game as claimed, then you gotta charge a coin toss loss in overtime to the game and make a stop. It's really that simple.